My post won't be as interesting as Rachel's, but I did get a few nice pictures in the Western Negev today, where I went with my aunt/uncle/cousins to check out the abundance of kalaniyot, or poppy anemones, like this friendly flower I happened upon:
Apparently the flowers only bloom like that for a few weeks at this time of year. It was nice to be in nature, so to speak, and of course wearing shorts and a t-shirt is nice considering it was 16 degrees in Connecticut yesterday, I heard.
Also in attendance was my very cute second cousin (or first cousin once removed...or first cousin's kid..or whatever we are to eachother) who was actually walking like a person! Amazing. Here he is hanging with some lady friends (my aunt and cousin, Michal)
Anyway, spent a lovely few days in the Jru (trying to make this happen, come on guys!), and got to sit in on one of Rachel's classes about women and mitzvot. Very interesting stuff, but I don't know how she does it from 8:30 in the morning until the evening. I started yawning after 20 minutes.
Not ready to reveal my big news yet, but I promise an update on Monday! In case you are disappointed, here's another picture.
Tonight I'm going to try to find a ticket to the Ivri Lider concert, but it's raining. What to do?
Hey, the show is going to air on February 24th. You'll see me when they do the segment on dogs that have been healed holistically. Or naturally. Or, whatever. P.S. The dog was lettin' 'em rip while taping. . .