I also went to the falafel place across the street from me today for lunch. It's called Falafel Doron. In the German colony and the nearby neighborhood of Katamon I've seen a number of stores/restaurants with the name "Doron". Apparently it means "gift" in Greek. Anyway, the falafel was very tasty. The place was mobbed, but somehow I managed to push and shove my way through. A couple people, including a little boy, told me it's the best falafel in the city. Who knows. I would have liked more chummus, less salad and sliced potato instead of the french fries. There's another place on Emek Refaim where I recently had amazing falafel with sliced potato.
This morning I went to the Underground prisoners museum by Safar Square. I learned about the women who served in the pre-state militias (lechi, hapalmach and etzel) and the conditions of the Central Jerusalem Prison under British rule. I stood inside one of the crazy cozy isolation cells. The museum also has a memorial to the Jews executed in the Acre prison, as well as the two Jews who blew themselves up rather than be executed in the CJP. The museum was inspiring and raised a lot of questions for me. If it weren't for these terrorists willing to sacrifice their own lives for a state, would Israel exist today?
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