Well, another Purim come and gone. Here is one of your favorite hummus-bloggers, brightly dressed in solidarity with the 5 billion other revelers parading through the streets of Jerusalem.

Now it's almost time for Pesach! Aka that time of year where we like to pretend our ancestors came from someplace a bit more Sephardi than Eastern Europe. Like anywhere but Eastern Europe. Deciding to eat kitniyot two years ago was the greatest decision both Rachel and Dafna ever made in the history of their lives. And, according to the Baba Nassi, aka the Great Ga'on of South Bend, aka some guy in the shuk, once you eat kitniyot, you can never again suffer through a totally unnecessary ban on corn or rice during Pesach ever again. Pass that Bamba, Elijah.
Anyway, before Dafna starts sanitizing her yogurt and Rachel finishes scrubbing the chametz off her toothbrush, we thought you'd appreciate some pictures. A visual round-up, if you will. See that? See what happened? You really thought you'd escape the round-up this time. You were so close. Some of these are cultural, some are archaeological. All would certainly be excluded from a Google picture search if you have SafeSearch turned on. That's just what we do.
Here are some Arab dancers/drummers/hoop skirt twirlers performing in the Old City a few nights ago, part of a pretty genius nighttime music festival in the different quarters. Some Middle Eastern, some classical, some soul, plenty of oud and a whole lot of co-existence going on.

Here was this gigantic group of Haredim in Mea She'arim yesterday. We couldn't quite figure out what was going on, but were later informed it was the funeral for a famous Rabbi who had a lot of followers. It was intense. Great place to be if you like the crush and bustle of a crowd.

Ah, yes, this is quite a gem. Pictured here is the Hilton Beach Horde, uncovered by archaeologists just today mere inches below the modern strata of the site. Notice the placement of the shells and the pirate symbols found on the sheet they were wrapped in. Lab analysis is ongoing, but we're fairly sure this horde is connected to...

...this incredibly rare, ritualistic cult pattern dating to the 8th millenium BCE. Experts consider the circular pattern symbolic of a Late Helium Age society worshiping Zoglobek, God of Schnitzel.

Finally, here we have the Yarkon River, once a major river in ancient times, now a nice place to take a leisurely afternoon bike ride when city life gets to be a little too...city-like.

That's all for now. Any more archaeology information and we'd have to start charging tuition. Tune in next time!
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